Need support for anxiety and grief?
Long for more joy, more aliveness?
Wish you weren’t sidelined by your
more difficult feelings?
Desire deeper connections in your life?
Want to be able to act on your own best behalf?
Get Deep Support.
Utilizing the somatic, body-based techniques of Core Energetics to access holistic wellness, Kellie Newton, LMT, CCEP (Certified Core Energetics Practitioner) guides you in process work that understands that you operate on many levels: body, mind, emotions, will and connection to your own unique experience of spirit.
The word CORE, an acronym of the phrase Center Of Right Energy, refers to the vital essence of the authentic Self that expresses uniquely in each of us. Early pain and trauma distorted and blocked the pure expression of the Core, and the problem is that many of us have grown to believe that this limited and distorted experience of our life-energy is the way things have to be. Not so.
Regain what you’ve lost.
Discover what you’ve never known is available to you:
Your full Life Energy.
“The real self is not the ego, it is the core. The human center is the universal life principle individuated in each of us, and it cannot die. It gives and receives generously. It welcomes the invitations of living, for through living its potential is fulfilled. The aim of Core Energetics, therefore, is to guide the fearful and isolated ego to its vital source, the core.”
--John Pierrakos, M.D., Core Energetics: Developing the Capacity to Love and Heal
The Five Levels of Being
Core Energetics session work utilizes a dynamic approach to exploring, transforming, and removing personal emotional, mental, physical, and energetic blocks. Usually there is time for talking and time for physically moving related energies—often involving the use of evocative physical and vocal expression to help release the many ways we block ourselves from feeling and being. When deemed appropriate to the issue being worked, the practitioner may utilize supportive bodywork to further facilitate this process.
For more information on Core Energetics and how it might benefit you, please check out our dedicated website for the work.
This is the work of finding freedom.